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One of the most famous tourist attractions, are the vultures which nest mainly in the cliffs of the gorges of Jonte and Tarn. The griffon vulture, whose wingspan can reach 2.7 m, is a species that was reintroduced in the early 1980s. There are currently nearly 450 pairs with an increase of about 10% per year. Its plumage is characterized by shades of browns, beiges and blacks. In flight, it is relatively easily recognized by its imposing size and its broad wings provided with long finger-feathers

The black vulture, darker and a little larger than the griffon vulture, nests in trees. Reintroduced between 1992 and 2004, its numbers in the Grands-Causses reach around twenty pairs. Finally, the Egyptian vulture, smaller in size and with contrasting white and black plumage, returns from Africa in the spring to reproduce. There are no more than 70 pairs left in France and a few in the Grands-Causses region (information: Grands Causses Regional Natural Park)

Black vulture (Gorges de la Jonte - 10.10.15)


Griffon vulture (Les Vignes - 29.09.13)

Griffon vulture (Gorges de la Jonte - 10.10.15)

Vase de Sèvres - Gorges de la Jonte


Western green lizard - Plateau du Guilhaumard

During the day, you can spot the western green lizard (Lacerta bilineata) basking in the sun. The male is bigger than the female and presents a throat and cheeks outrageously painted in blue during mating season.

This lizard, which likes bushy areas dotted with rocks and trees, is a regular in the Causses. It can be up to 40 cm long and feeds on large insects, worms, molluscs, small rodents or ripe fruits. Fearful, he flees at the slightest alarm.


The "Rougiers" of Camarès are another tourist attraction in Aveyron. Located south of Saint-Affrique, this territory offers amazing landscapes where the red of the soil and sandstone rocks loaded with iron oxide contrasts with the green of the surrounding cultures

Landscape of the red soils (Gissac and Camarès)

Reference books

Below are some books and publications dealing with orchids in the region :


Les orchidées sauvages des Causses et Cevennes. D. André, TDO Editions (2015), ISBN-10: 2366521227
Atlas des orchidées de France. F. Dusak & D. Prat, Biotope Editions (2010), ISBN-10: 2914817622
A la découverte des Orchidées en Languedoc et Pays Catalan. R. Buscail, F. Dabonneville, J.M Lewin et M. Nicole. Biotope Editions (2019), ISBN: 978-2-36662-222-5
Les Orchidées de l'Aveyron. Ch. Bernard. L'Orchidophile n°34 (nov. 1978) p.1140-1154
Cartographie des Orchidées de l'Aveyron. L'Orchidophile, supplément au n°135 (jan. 1999)
Cypripedium calceolus dans les Causses et le Massif central. Ch. Bernard. L'Orchidophile n°182 (sept. 2009)


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